Spring 2025 Schedule

January 22: Dustin Sebell (UNC School of Civic Life and Leadership), “The moral basis of Nietzsche’s critique of religion”

January 29: Dan Schillinger (Yale), “Luckless: The Idea of Luck in Greek Political Thought”*

February 5: Danielle Charette (UNC School of Civic Life and Leadership), “Hume’s Montesquieu”

February 12: Bryan Garsten (Yale), “The Spirit of Independence and the Rhythm of Democratic Politics”*

February 19: Kinch Hoekstra (UC Berkeley), “Hobbes on Absolute Democracy” 

February 26: Stephen Sawyer (The American University of Paris), “Democracy in an Age of Monarchy: On the Administrative Origins of the French Revolution” 

March 5: Shterna Friedman (Harvard), “Pneumatic Interpretation and Xenophilia” 

March 26: Eleonora Bottini (University of Caen Normandy), “The Constitutional Council and the Lack of Judicial Constitutionalism in France”

April 2: Jill Frank (Cornell), “On Beauty’s Sensibility in Plato”

April 9: Maurizio Viroli (UT Austin), “Machiavelli’s Republican Vision”

April 16: Arash Abizadeh (McGill)

April 23: Cristina Lafont (Northwestern), “Rescuing Democracy from Populism and Technocracy” 

April 30: Jeffrey Collins (University of Florida), “Leviathan and the Limits of Representation”

*No dinner following event